AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: Go

AWS Toolkit for JetBrains now supports Go and TypeScript

Customers can now create, locally debug and deploy AWS Lambda functions written in Go and TypeScript from GoLand, WebStorm and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate using the AWS Toolkit for JetBrains. The AWS Toolkit for JetBrains is an open-source plugin that lets you leverage the integrated development environment (IDE) for the creation, debugging, and deployment of software […]

Client Updates in the Preview Version of the AWS SDK for Go V2

As of January 19th, 2021, the AWS SDK for Go, version 2 (v2) is generally available. The AWS SDK for Go V2 developer preview was introduced in December 2017 based on customer feedback provided by you, and we focused on improving its ease of use, performance, consistency, and discoverability. We’re happy to share the updated […]

V2 AWS SDK for Go adds Context to API operations

As of January 19th, 2021, the AWS SDK for Go, version 2 (v2) is generally available. The v2 AWS SDK for Go developer preview made a breaking change in the release of v0.8.0. The v0.8.0 release added a new parameter, context.Context, to the SDK’s Send and Paginate Next methods. Context was added as a required […]

Introducing support for Amazon S3 Select in the AWS SDK for Go

We’re excited to announce support for the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) SelectObjectContent API with EventStream in the AWS SDK for Go. Using Amazon S3 Select, you can query for a subset of data from an S3 object by using simple SQL expressions. Amazon S3 streams the responses as a series of events, instead […]

AWS SDK for Go 2.0 – Generated Marshalers

The AWS SDK for Go 2.0 has released generated marshalers for the restjson and restxml protocols. Generated marshalers will help with the performance and customer issues the SDK had been receiving. To better understand what was causing the performance hit, we used Go’s benchmark tooling to help us determine the main bottleneck—reflection. The reflection package […]

AWS SDK for Go 2.0 Developer Preview

As of January 19th, 2021, the AWS SDK for Go, version 2 (v2) is generally available. We’re pleased to announce the Developer Preview release of the AWS SDK for Go 2.0. Many aspects of the SDK have been refactored based on your feedback, with a strong focus on performance, consistency, discoverability, and ease of use. […]

Introducing Amazon DynamoDB Expression Builder in the AWS SDK for Go

This post was authored by Hajime Hayano. The v1.11.0 release of the AWS SDK for Go adds a new expression package that enables you to create Amazon DynamoDB Expressions using statically typed builders. The expression package abstracts away the low-level detail of using DynamoDB Expressions and simplifies the process of using DynamoDB Expressions in DynamoDB […]