Amazon SageMaker for Business Analysts

Generate accurate ML predictions - no code required

Create up to 10 models with up to 1M cells of data free

for the first 2 months with the AWS Free Tier

Easily prepare data, train models, and generate predictions using a point-and-click interface.

Improve collaboration by sharing models and datasets with data scientists.

AutoML integrated into common BI tools such as Domo, Snowflake, and Amazon Redshift.

Put machine learning into the hands of all business analysts

Business analysts can easily generate accurate predictions without writing code or requiring ML experience.
Amazon SageMaker for Data Scientists

Get started with Amazon SageMaker Canvas

A visual point-and-click interface to generate accurate ML predictions without having to write a single line of code.

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Get started with Amazon SageMaker Autopilot partner solution integrations

Leading BI tools built on Amazon SageMaker

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